Friday, September 11, 2015

Best Release Notes Ever

In case you can't read that:

Slack 1.1.4
Mac SSB 1.1.4 Release Notes
- New: when viewing completed downloads in the flexpane you can open the file in its default application by holding down the shift key and clicking, with great flourish, upon the desired location.
- Fixed: a vile bug that could corrupt cache files if your Mac shut down or restarted unexpectedly while Slack was running.
- Fixed: a bug that would show greater than 100% completion of file downloads. This was not a useful area for overachievement.
- Fixed: A bug causing an erroneous zipper issue, automatically decompressing gzip files after they were downloaded has been totally repaired.

- Fixed: a bug that could leave you staring at a blank white window after signing in to a team whose session expiration time was set to zero. We now process the login result using a slightly larger value of zero. If you experienced this zero or less than zero times, congratulations. If you experienced it more than that, apologies, there is zero chance of you experiencing it again.